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Credits in...

Our highly experienced artists are accredited in more than 50 projects.
We have experience in major post-production houses around the world, and received several awards both individually and on the projects in which we participated.  

More than 50 Movie & ADV
Experience in Animation &
VFX Movie
Game Cinematics
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Uchi VFX is a high-level character animation and visual effects studio providing digital production services for films, television, video games, advertising, and integrated media.


+39 329 06 58 252


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Milano - Affori
Malta - La Valletta

TPN certificate - UCHI VFX
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Uchi vfx stands as an elite studio specializing in visual effects and 3d character animation, delivering cutting-edge digital production services for feature films, television series, gaming projects, advertising campaigns, and integrated media ventures - mail :

All materials on or available through this site are the copyright of Uchi vfx or the companies in which the artists have worked, unless otherwise indicated. 

All rights are reserved. Any other reproduction in any form is prohibited

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VFX, 3D animation, Grafica 3D, Visual effects, Effetti visivi, Post-produzione, Lookdev, Rendering, Lighting, Compositing, Modeling 3D, Animazione 3D, Character design, Film VFX, Film di animazione, Commercials, Pubblicità, Spot pubblicitari, Advertising, Service, Produzione creativa, Supervisione VFX, CGI, Creatura 3D, Set extension, Matte painting, Realtà virtuale, Realtà aumentata, Animazioni realistiche, Milano, Malta, Studio creativo, Ambiente 3D, Video emozionali, Simulazioni 3D, Rigging, Grooming, Storyboarding, Previsualizzazione, Integrazione VFX, Produzioni cinematografiche, Cinematiche, Spot televisivi, Video corporate, Animazione per gaming, Brand storytelling, Progetti immersivi, Digital art, Motion graphics, Realtà virtuale, 3D, Game, Cinematics, tv, serie

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